Today is 1st day of spring. Everyone was waiting for this moment and now we are waiting for summer ^^
From now on there will be warmer and warmer and we can resign of big, hot coats and wear loose clothes with jacket of course.
The sun is coming through th clouds and it's shining with all it's mind for us.
In my school today was event "Buda" - it's like talent show. Representatives from each class had to show fis talent. The winner was boy from 2nd class who recited Fredro works, girl from 1st class who danced ballet and the girl from 2nd class who singed. From my class went boy who played the guitar.
Second event is that everyone that was wearing sth connected with spring won't be questioned by the teacher.
Me today:
I speccially wore green, loose and short clothes. I'm looking forward the better weather.