Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Around the world

I love travelling, I already been in Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina France, Italy, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, India and this year I'm going to Turkey.
After the trips I like to get to know the culture and some language frazes like - good morning, thank you, please, excuse me etc. I like to know what sb is talking about. It drives me crazy when I don't know the language that the person next to me is talking in. I'm learning few of them so it's really depressing.
Today I found a film made from 2000 photos of different places.
It must be great to travel around the world - it was always my biggest dream ^^

Beauty of the moon

I don't know if you were looking at the moon at Saturday night.
But it would be better if you were cause this phenomenon appears only one at eleven years.
The moon this time is the nearest to the Earth from all his orbiting.
It looked defferent wherever you were:
 New Jersey (1), Canada (2), Denmark (3), Poland (4)
I love the night sky, it's beautiful and I can't get bored of it. It calmes me and gives hope for better tomorrow.